Sunday, June 12, 2011

Mr. Weinstein, we're supposed to HELP the generals, not attack them !

---Mr. Weinstein, I know that you, and a few others like Mr. Daw, keep track of my blog(s), so please don't pretend that you don't.

---We're supposed to HELP, the generals, not attack them.  

---I understand that you do not want anyone forcing his or her religious beliefs on anyone else [ like Yeshiva University  FORCED  me to live as if I was an Orthodox-Jew when I am not, and hurt me, because they  LIED  about being  "non-denominational"  when they are not, to deceive students like me into enrolling in their school [ FRAUD in the administration of federal student loans, a violation of 34 C.F.R. sec. 668.71(b)---misrepresentation to prospective students and their families, already stipulated to, see page 364 of my criminal trail transcript wherein Yeshiva CONFESSED to FRAUD,  fraud is not tolerated in the administration of federal student loans, for fraud Yeshiva loses its ability to administer these programs FOREVER, I already entered these statues into federal court,  and they can be cited to in my criminal appeal ],  so that they can be used in criminal schemes, and for which Yeshiva will lose its tax-exemption by the standards articulated in the Bob Jones University case, but I digress.... I am sure that the Christian soldiers agree with you, I am sure that they would accept a SOFT SELL, instead of a hard sell.

---You know I discussed some of these issues and others with Col. Fetterman, legal counsel to Adm. Mullen, CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS, when he was at the Pentagon.

----AND IT WAS NOT NICE to Rob, when Col. Fetterman hung-up on him......and the propaganda technique went like this.....I hung up on Marlen Abramova when she called me to ask me how to cheat her attorney out of his contingency fee....I hung up on them, so they hung up on me....get how they operate......

---And, I sent in Lt. Col. Kevin Admiral, aid to four-star General Casey, to talk to Col. Fetterman, to check......and here's what I got out....... " you're harassing us "......Nope....I am the one who is stalked, and harassed [ and in Jersey almost murdered ]  .....get how the propaganda, who put those words into Col. Fetterman's mouth ? !

----Ask Col. Reilly, when I called him at Fort Knox, and he tried to play along......."you're harassing the men", Reilly, I am not, NOW, when can I come see you ?  Monday, September 22, 2008 at 3 PM .


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