Saturday, May 7, 2011


---I'll  add videos wherein I'll talk  you'all  through the litigation points, they are very easy to understand, and so that they can be readily accessible to folks who are prosecutors and judges in other states.

---James ( " Jimmy " )  David, MD,  was DIRECTOR of ICM [ Introduction to Clinical Medicine ] with Janice Bennett, Ph.D., during my first year in medical school, 1994 to 1995.

---Ten to one, this is on their resumes; Bennett moved to Columbia University, Student Health, CHECK THEIR RESUMES.

---I did not fail ICM.  Stephen Blau, MD, one of my professors, a psychiatrist, and small-group leader,  stipulated [ stipulated means everyone agreed, the prosecutor, the judge and my attorneys, agreed to this FACT ]   during the farce that was my criminal trial, April 26, 2010  to
April 28, 2010, that I DID NOT fail ICM thereby confirming that JOHN SCARFONE,  Associate General Counsel at Yeshiva University  LIED about me in federal court in 2006 when he swore that I had failed all my classes as a first-year medical student except for Todd Olson's anatomy class; at the time John Scarfone made these statements he KNEW that he was LYING, but we'll get to that FACT, later.

---DAVID and BENNETT were directors of the ICM class.  

---It was their job to know that Blau gave me passing grades.

----In fact, it was my tuition dollars and the other monies that I brought into the school based on my status as a student [ Pell and TAP grants, federal work/study money ] that helped pay David's and Bennett's salaries and other benefits that they received.

---Aside from simple human decency,  David and Bennett have a duty to ME, an obligation to ME, to accurately report the FACT that I passed this class, duty that did not end simply because they changed jobs; they had an initial duty and they have a continuing duty to me, to rule otherwise establishes an  EXTREMELY DANGEROUS  precedent that is self-evident.

---So, when I contact, for example, Janice Bennett at Columbia University, and ask her to confirm FACTS, and ask her to meet her obligation to ME, that IS NOT HARASSING,  Mr. Prosecutor.   

----As an appeal-able issue, when I contacted David, to confirm FACTS, to meet his obligation to me, that is NOT HARASSING,  Mr. Prosecutor.  

----The fact that Bennett and David are not truthful and forthcoming and compell me to contact them repeatedly, is not harassing; it is indictative of how dishonest Bennett and David are, and the lengths that they will go to to cover-up for Yeshiva's crime(s).   Normal, decent people would just tell the truth and be done with it, not torment a student with stone-walling, foot-dragging, and sand-bagging; those are dirty lawyer tricks, intended to inflict harm. 

---Appropriately, I went to Janice Bennet's place of business, asked for an appointment with her and her boss, so that Bennett could meet her obligation to me, and what did Bennett do?   She dashed down to the Department of Public Safely,at Columbia University, and told a pack of lies to cover-up for Scarfone's lies, and get me kicked off campus as  "persona non-grata" .

 [  I'm  persona non-grata ?!   I brought money, jobs, and opportunity to Columbia University, how much money did Janice Bennett bring in ?  ]

---She claimed she felt  "harassed" by being asked to meet her obligation to her student.   She did not feel harassed.   She told the lies Yeshiva's dishonest attorneys, like Dan Riesel, put in her mouth.  

---Dan Riesel, one of Yeshiva's dishonest attorneys, for example, graduated from Columbia University's law school, as did the judge in my federal case, Judge Robert P. Patterson, Jr.   I understand Scarfone is a regular visitor to Columbia's campus, also.   Of course, they don't want me on-campus telling Columbia's pre-meds the truth.  They LIED about me in federal court; taken on its face, with just one example, they demonstrated that they do not possess core the competencies necessary to run a school [ insert more examples, below ].  They don't know what classes I took, when I took them, whether I passed or failed them ? !  

---Now, Janice Bennett is a clinical psychologist at Columbia University Student Health who counsels students.    She demonstrated irrefutably that when a dishonest attorney paid by a university lied in federal court to hurt a student, she lied too, to cover-up for his crime, despite her duty to the student. 

---In short, Janice Bennett is DANGEROUS TO OTHERS.   

---David pressed false criminal charges against me, claimng he felt  "harassed"  by being asked to confirm facts.  He did not feel harassed.   He is the dishonest psychiatrist that Martin Bockstein, Yeshiva's evil general counsel, used when he wanted to hurt a student [ insert more examples here ]. 

   ----More to the point, I was named as a witness against David in 2006, in another student's case; he has a retaliatory motive against me, and has had a retaliatory motive against me since 1997, at least, when he was Todd Oloson's advocate against me during the October 1997 Promotions Committee meeting.

---This meeting  was NOT a hearing, as James J. Daw, Jr. confirmed.  

----Daw was not in the meeting room with me.   Illegally, I was not allowed to fully participate.  My rights were violated.   I was not permitted to be in the meeting room to hear the arguments against me, much less, defend myself against them.   I was required to stand out in the hall , and then moved to a room so that I could not see, while in the meeting room my professors, like Janice Bennett and James David, gave false, unsworn testimony against me.

---Overall, James David is DANGEROUS TO OTHERS.


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