----In 2005, Dan Riesel LIED about me in federal court, during oral argument in front of Judge Robert P. Patterson, Jr., Southern District of New York and was forced to admit that he LIED. I did not get 2 hearings before my illegal expulsion from medical school. Riesel's story changed through time from.... she got 2 hearings, to she got 1 hearing, to .....OK, she got NO invited her to meeting that she did not attend.
Dan Riesel has a retaliatory motive. He lied about me before. Yep, Rabbi Lamm and Yeshiva University pay attorneys to bear false witness against their neighbor = they break the 10 commandents. That's some religious school you got there, Rabbi Lamm.
----In 2006, I was named as a witness against James David, MD, John Scarfone, Dan Riesel, Todd Olson, PhD, ; they have a retaliatory motive(s) against me.
----In 2006, in federal court John Scarfone LIED about me; to discredit me he claimed that I failed all my classes as a first-year medical student except for Todd Olson's anatomy class, you know, 'cause Todd Olson is such a nice guy. He is not. He is a pervert. John Scarfone was forced to admit that he lied.
---Michael J. Reichgott, an internal medicine doctor, not a psychiatrist, helped my classmate steal grant money when I was a medical student [ 1994 to 1998 ] that is professional misconduct that does not go away. This is in addition to other crimes and transgressions towards me that Reichgott is responsible for, he has retaliatory motive(s) towards me.
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