Monday, March 28, 2011

FORGERY IN THE 2 degree, a case for DETECTIVE RANAGHAN---34 th Precinct Detective Squad


---the Columbia University form I signed in 1993 wherein the  "3"  was  changed to a  "9",  marked Defendant's Exhibit B  = FORGERY IN THE SECOND DEGREE.

---Michael Potegal's letter to me, which he notarized on March 5, 2009, confirming that I applied to medical schools in 1993, not 1999.   His telephone number is included; he was/is a phone call away.

---page 7 of my sentencing transcript wherein I explained this forgery to Judge Edward J. McLaughlin.

---In addition, I gave Detective Ranaghan...Christine Verna, MD, telephone number, she is a phone call away [ telephone:  914-722-0374 ] for the prosecutor to confirm, also confirmed on monitored, tape-recorded telephone conversations at Riker's Island prison, we attended Columbia University together, she remembers me, she was my TA  [ teaching assistant ]  in one of my basic science classes, she wrote me a letter of recommendation to medical schools in 1993, not 1999.

---And, Det. Ranaghan has evidence to show that I made a transfer application in 1997; I never applied to medical schools in 1999.

---Overall, Judge Edward J. McLaughlin, the prosecutor, Yeshiva University, and my privately-paid attorney, Michael  J. Redenburg, CONSPIRED to commit FORGERY in the second degree demonstrating irrefutably that I had and I continue to have a LEGITIMATE PURPOSE, as an appeal- able issue,  in seeking to fully access and correct my records, as this example illustrates, and that doctors/psychiatrists who deny reality to this extreme degree demonstrate irrefutably that they are out-of-contact with reality, psychotic, practice  the profession while impaired with a mental disability  [ Professional Misconduct, see McKinney's Education Law, section 6530, line item #7 ] for which they can and will be brought in front of their licensing boards and have their licenses to practice medicine revoked because they ARE DANGEROUS TO OTHERS; the psychiatrists tried to claim that I had the false belief [ a false belief is a delusion ] that the  DA, the police, the judge were out to get me.  This example shows that they were, and I can cite more examples, like, for instance, Det. Colon LIED on the witness stand, intentionally [ read here with criminal intent ], the prosecutor intentionally presented Det. Colon's perjured testimony for which he can and will have his license to practice law revoked; THIS POINT WAS ALREADY CONCEDED BY THE U.S. MARSHALLS AND THEY ALREADY AGREED THAT I NEEDED ORDERS OF PROTECTION FOR ME AND MY FAMILY AGAINST DETECTIVE COLON.

 And, I can and will cite more examples.   I am not delusional; I do not have false beliefs.   I am
being stalked.  

Saturday, March 19, 2011

ELMHURST HOSPITAL = Doctors deny reality to such an extreme degree that they show they are psychotic, out-of-touch with reality.

Medications   =   NONE.

Treatments =  NONE.

Released from Riker's =  I am not dangerous,  I was illegally convicted based on a police detective, Colon, and others who LIED.  The U.S.  Marshall's already conceeded this point.  They already agreed that I need orders of protection against Detective Colon.

From the Asian psychiatrist at Riker's, a story to cover-up for Dr. Calicadan's crimes, on-going efforts to create consistency in FALSE records, he quoted Dr. Raymond,  you have been getting into trouble in your housing area.......who cares, I am being released today and the women who complained are already gone, or jealous the they are not leaving too.

So then, his story to Elmhurst Hospital changed.

From Elmhurst Hospital:

Dr. Han ( spelling ?)   from Riker's on 3/18/2011 to Elmhurst,  "she threatened a judge",  no kidding idiot psychiatrist who didn't bother checking the FACTS, what is the name of  the judge,
and what words and phrases did I use ?   And, how come the U.S. Marshalls are helping me, tape-recorded conversations from Riker's Island.

From Patricia Guzowski, LCSW, and Dr. Karaley:

" You are delusional. "

"  You think all these people have been stalking you, police, judges, school, since 1994 "

Bring on the reality testing, idiot psychiatrist Dr. Jelnov.


Detective Colon Lied on the witness stand,  to illegally incarcerate me, already conceeded to.  That is not a FALSE belief, that is on the public record, and I mailed out copies to my attorney(s)  from Riker's Island for everyone to see.

Everyone had the police report from  2005 to show that Detective Colon LIED on the witness stand intentionally, in the weeks and months leading up to the farce of my criminal trial.

Michael J. Redenburg refused to cross-examine Det. Colon, refused to recall him as a rebutal witness, refused to ask Judge McLaughlin for orders of protection for me and my family, standing against a police detective who lied.  


See page seven of my sentencing transcript,  and cross-reference to the Michael Potegal letter, and double-check with Christine Verna, MD, telephone, 914-722-0374, on tape-recorded and monitored telephone conversations at Riker's Island prison, I applied to medical school in 1993 not 1999, Judge McLaughlin, the prosecutor, Yeshiva University, and my privately-paid attorney, Michael J. Redenburg CONSPIRED to commit  FORGERY in the second degree, demonstrating irrefutably that I had and I continue to have a legitimate purpose in seeking to fully access and correct my records.

Yes, idiot psychiatrists, all these people, the police, the prosecutor, the judge, and my attorney CONSPIRED  to commit crimes, that is not delusional, that is REAL.

These psychiatrists demonstrate irrefutably that they deny reality to such and extreme degree that they are out-of-contact with reality, psychotic, and that they practice the profession with a demonstrated mental disability  ( see McKinney's Education Law, section 6530, line item # 7 ), Professional Misconduct so serious as to revoke their licenses to practice, these psychiatrists ARE DANGEROUS TO OTHERS.


NEW INFORMATION,   here's what you don't know......