Tuesday, August 2, 2011

" Lidya, a man's body is not a weapon of war "

Susan Brownmiller, Men, Women, and Rape,  the Romans used men's bodies as weapons of war, and so did the U.S. Armed Forces in Viet Nam.

Your expert is incompetent.

[ --- a defacto human experiment in communication in the field, pain management and bleeding control got thrown in as extras ]

Cliff Gall was characterized as "self-effacing" by AK Goodman's father, big in Texas oil, that got mis-translated into "shy", again, the propaganda technique is to try and confuse identities, make false records [ = the soft war ]; the psychological profile is Marlen Abramova's not mine.   I can't wait to see my CIA file, I'll bet that thing is so falsified as to be a joke.  I went to the President of another country, if I don't have a CIA file by now, then, something is very wrong.  The CIA writes psychological profiles on its targets, I can't wait to see mine.  It will be falsified.


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