---SCHOOL CONFESSED TO FRAUD in the administration of federal student loans, a violation of 34 C.F.R. section 668.71(b) --- misrepresentation to prospective students and their families, and the SCHOOL CONFESSED to TARGETING ME, discriminating against me, 1 out of 800 students, school gave me minority-student status for socio-economic reasons [ not for racial reasons ], already confirmed by the U.S. Marshals, and discredits Margarita Gorumus, M.D., dishonest psychiatrist at Riker's Island prison, and demonstrates irrefutably along with other examples that she and her colleagues deny reality to such an extreme degree that they are OUT-OF-CONTACT with reality, are PSYCHOTIC, are DANGEROUS TO OTHERS, and practice the profession while impaired with a mental disability, professional misconduct, see McKinney's Education Law, section 6530, line-item # 7 [ statutes that I will post ASAP, for ease of reference ] for which these EXTREMELY DANGEROUS individuals will lose their licenses to practice medicine.
---For CONFESSING TO FRAUD in the administration of federal student loans, school loses its ability to administer these programs FOREVER; there is NO WAY for school to re-gain its eligibility to adminster these programs; these statues have already been entered into the federal court(s), can and will be cited to in my appeal.
---For CONFESSING TO DISCRIMINATING AGAINST ME, a woman with minority-student status, and for discriminating against another woman, Diane Persky, in 1999, school loses its TAX-EXEMPTION, by the standards that were set in the Bob Jones University case, at the U.S. Supreme Court.
Note: According to the rules of evidence, because James David, M.D., a dishonest psychiatrist with a retaliatory motive against me [ I was named as a witness against him ], cited excerpts from my blog(s) I can and will enter my blog(s) in their entirety into evidence.
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